Driven by a passion for food and health

Hi, I am Nicole. Cooking and food has always been my focus in life. My viewpoints and interests regarding food has had many shifts throughout the years, but I am always drawn back to food. Indulging in heavy pasta dishes with lots of cheese was my go to as a young girl. In my teens, I became more focused on eating “clean” and counting calories, a lifestyle that I found to be unsustainable. In college, I reverted back to incorporating in those heavy cheesy dishes while eating whole foods here and there. As a 28-year old, my food lifestyle has become very balanced in my eyes. I focus on locally grown foods and simple ingredients. I love making slow meals from scratch that take all day, but also love to make a simple salad. As someone who loves to cook, I was surprised to find out that I struggle to find the time and motivation to make meals during a busy week. This made me think about how difficult it must be for people to eat healthy, home-cooked meals when they don’t enjoy cooking. The Harvest Spoon was developed as a place for inspiration, but not just inspiration for food, inspiration for life. Herbalism and tea making has somehow made its way into the mix as well. I am passionate about health and guiding people to their truth rather than pushing them. I hope something on Harvest Spoon resonates with and inspires you to take a step towards the healthy life you may strive to have.

With love,

Nicole, RN BSN NC-BC


  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Thomas Jefferson University (2021)

  • Board Certified Nurse Coach | Integrative Nurse Coach Academy (2024)

  • Functional Medicine for Nurses | Integrative Nurse Coach Academy (2024)

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology | West Chester University of Pennsylvania (2018)

  • Herbalism | Ecoversity (in progress)